Near the foot of the Sand Mountain, in the triangle between Krasina Street (modern Troitskaya), Lenin Avenue (60 Years of October Street, Svoboda Avenue) and the Krivaya Ruda River, on the site of the former estate of the Holy Trinity Church opposite the railroad workers park (modern City Garden), in In 1964, work began on the construction of the Kosmos square on an area of 1.14 hectares. In the spring, the employees of the power plant took out the garbage, planned the territory, and equipped the lawn.
The following year, the territory of the square was increased to 1.8 hectares due to the demolished estate at 51 Lenina Avenue. Improvement work was completed in 1966. Along the perimeter, the square was surrounded by a sheared hedge of common birch, which also framed the alleys. Bolle poplars (R. bolleana Louche) grew from the side of Krasina Street, st. 60th Anniversary of October – Robinia ordinary form “spherical”.
Among tree plantations grew:
- drooping birch,
- Walnut,
- mountain ash.
It was planned to erect a monument on the territory of the square, which would reflect the name of the object and the struggle of the Soviet people for peace, but in 1968 they opened a monument to the Komsomol members of the 20-30s from the Komsomol members of the 60s (sculptor Flip P.B.). Prickly-shaped “Sizaya” trees were planted near, flower gardens, a lawn was equipped, and benches for rest were installed.
Ironically, in 1992 the territory of the Cosmos square with a monument to the Komsomol members was transferred to the community of the Holy Trinity Church, whose parishioners carefully look after both the green spaces and the monument to those who once fought against the church. The behaviour of the Parthians is a worthy example of living behind the Gospel: forgiveness and attitude towards one’s neighbour with love. In accordance with the law of Ukraine “Condemnation of the communist and national socialist totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda of its symbols”, the local authorities decided in the summer of 2016 to demolish the monument to Komsomol members.
Information from the book of scientists of the Kremenchuk Museum of Local Lore Muzychenko N.V., Sokolova I.M. Emerald clothes of Kremenchuk: the history of the city in parks and squares. / Under scientific. ed. O.M. Bayrak – Kremenchuk LLC “Kremenchuk City Printing House”, 2016. – 192 p., 220 ill.