Journalist in the ranks of the militia Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war Journalist in the ranks of the militia
Sevastopol Chronicles of Ivan Zaika Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war Sevastopol Chronicles of Ivan Zaika
They are no longer with us (To the Day of the Liberation of Kremenchug) Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war They are no longer with us (To the Day of the Liberation of Kremenchug)
Evacuation from Kremenchuk Samarkand Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war Evacuation from Kremenchuk Samarkand
Diary of the militia Krupa Grigory Danilovich Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war Diary of the militia Krupa Grigory Danilovich
I was wounded on Deevskaya mountain Memories of Kremenchuzhan about the war I was wounded on Deevskaya mountain