Kryukiv Zemstvo National School, 2018, photo #3063 Preserved old buildings Kryukiv Zemstvo National School, 2018, photo #3063
Будинок №71 по вулиці Софіївській фото 1721 Preserved old buildings Будинок №71 по вулиці Софіївській фото 1721
House on Lieutenant Pokladov Street 7 photo 1426 Preserved old buildings House on Lieutenant Pokladov Street 7 photo 1426
Building Pokladova street 11/29 photo 1425 Preserved old buildings Building Pokladova street 11/29 photo 1425
Здание – улица Пролетарская 17 – фото 1424 Preserved old buildings Здание – улица Пролетарская 17 – фото 1424
The building of the representative office of the Southern Railway photo 1314 Preserved old buildings The building of the representative office of the Southern Railway photo 1314
Здание городской типографии – фото 1313 Preserved old buildings Здание городской типографии – фото 1313
Александровское реальное училище – фото 1311 Preserved old buildings Александровское реальное училище – фото 1311
Kremenchug railway technical school photo 1310 Preserved old buildings Kremenchug railway technical school photo 1310
Дом купца Немеца Кременчуг – фото № 1308 Preserved old buildings Дом купца Немеца Кременчуг – фото № 1308
Corps of the main headquarters of the inspector of the reserve cavalry photo 1307 Preserved old buildings Corps of the main headquarters of the inspector of the reserve cavalry photo 1307
Казармы 35-го Брянского пехотного полка – фото 1306 Preserved old buildings Казармы 35-го Брянского пехотного полка – фото 1306