Alym Stepanovych Poshivaylo in Zhovtnevyi Square photo #3217 1950-1959 year Alym Stepanovych Poshivaylo in Zhovtnevyi Square photo #3217
Kindergarten on K.Libknekhta Street 21 photo #3216 Modern photos Kindergarten on K.Libknekhta Street 21 photo #3216
Building of the topographic block in 1947 photo #3215 1943 - 1949 Building of the topographic block in 1947 photo #3215
Officers of the 10th VASHPNL Kremenchuk 1950s photo #3213 1950-1959 year Officers of the 10th VASHPNL Kremenchuk 1950s photo #3213
House on the corner of Lenin and Pushkinskaya streets, 1941 photo #3212 1941-1942 House on the corner of Lenin and Pushkinskaya streets, 1941 photo #3212
Prydniprovsky Park, near “Deer” 1966 photo #3211 1960 - 1969 Prydniprovsky Park, near “Deer” 1966 photo #3211
Dnieper downstream of the Kryukiv Bridge, 1941 photo #3208 1941-1942 Dnieper downstream of the Kryukiv Bridge, 1941 photo #3208
Prokopenko, foreman of the locomotive depot, 1939, photo #3207 1920 - 1940 Prokopenko, foreman of the locomotive depot, 1939, photo #3207
Two photos from the Ostland automobile bridge, 1941, photo #3204 1941-1942 Two photos from the Ostland automobile bridge, 1941, photo #3204