Kryukiv railway station during the flood, 1931, photo #3065 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Kryukiv railway station during the flood, 1931, photo #3065
Food station Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2581 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Food station Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2581
The elevator of the 21st mill, flood 1931 photo 2532 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 The elevator of the 21st mill, flood 1931 photo 2532
Peschanogorsk headquarters, flood Kremenchug 1931 photo 2441 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Peschanogorsk headquarters, flood Kremenchug 1931 photo 2441
Barracks of the 25th Art Regiment Kremenchuk 1931 photo 2439 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Barracks of the 25th Art Regiment Kremenchuk 1931 photo 2439
Delivery of bread during the flood of 1931 photo 2421 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Delivery of bread during the flood of 1931 photo 2421
Oil depots in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2419 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Oil depots in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2419
21st state mill in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2418 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 21st state mill in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo 2418
Bread factory in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo number 2330 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Bread factory in Kremenchuk flood 1931 photo number 2330
Work on strengthening the dam 1931 photo number 2284 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Work on strengthening the dam 1931 photo number 2284
Rosa Luxemburg Street 1931 photo number 2283 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Rosa Luxemburg Street 1931 photo number 2283
Housing on a dam flood 1931 photo number 2281 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Housing on a dam flood 1931 photo number 2281
Poured before the breakthrough flood 1931 photo number 2277 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Poured before the breakthrough flood 1931 photo number 2277
Schemilovka flood 1931 photo number 2274 Flood of 1931 1920 - 1940 Schemilovka flood 1931 photo number 2274