In 1805 a county school was opened on the Cathedral Square in Kremenchug, thanks to the persistent efforts of the mayor Maslennikov. The first year the school was kept on the personal funds of the Measure.
In the first half of the 19th century, the future historical painter A. Litovchenko was educated at the school.
In 1877, the district school was transformed into a two-year urban school,
in 1880 – in three years,
in 1898 – In the four-year, which already refers to higher primary education, and can be equated to the modern incomplete secondary.
In 1902 the building was expanded. When the school opens one-year pedagogical courses that prepare teachers for primary schools.
A. Makarenko, the future Soviet educator and writer, in 1901-1905. also received an education in these courses.
At the beginning of the “post-revolutionary” 30s, the city school becomes school number 7, one of the few in those years, the Russian school.
At the same years, A. Khalamenyuk (1918-1945) was educated at school, in the future – the Hero of the Soviet Union.
During the war years, the building of the District School was destroyed in the same way as all the other buildings on Cathedral Square.
Source of information: Kremenchug Street site on November 5, 2009 (kremenchuk.biz – unfortunately at the moment the site does not work)