The old building of the Kremenchug technical railway school in 1903 was redeemed by the City Duma and the Alekseevsky commercial school was opened in it. The building was located at the corner of Kharcheva (now Shevchenko) and Nikolaevskaya (former Artem, now again Nikolaevskaya) streets. It was maintained at the expense of funds from tuition fees (60-125 rubles per year), amounts received from the Society of Merchants, donations from individuals and founders, as well as subsidies from the City Duma.
The term of study at the school is 8 years. The study of special subjects began from the 5th grade. The school taught:
depending on religion, the law of God is Orthodox or Jewish,
Russian language and literature,
commercial accounting,
commercial geography,
fundamentals of banking.
Kremenchug – Technical railway school – postcard No. 496Kremenchug – Technical railway school – postcard No. 496
business school business school
At the school there was a fundamental and student library, numbering about 2.5 thousand volumes. Those who graduated from college had the right to enter higher educational institutions of the country.
School 1910:
Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Kharchev St.). Director – Victor Makar. Gussov (educational school). Law teaching: Orthodox. religious – holy. Mikhail Al-ndrov. Afanasiev (Kagamlykskaya, village of Vinnikova) and St. Al-ndr Grechanovsky (Sobornaya Square, village Soborn. Ts-vi), Jewish religious. — Heshel Movsh. Factor (Pushkinskaya, Vasilevsky village). Teachers: Russian. lang. and literature – Mikhail Mikhail. Panebratsev (Khersonskaya, Freiman village), German. lang. — Yakov Iv. Simmen (corner of School and Sadovaya, village of Ponomareva), French. lang. — Lev Iosifov. Ribot (Elinskaya, Oksyuza village), mathematician. – Anatol. Ivanov. Dirdovsky (Ekaterininsk, village of Gaukha), natural, geographic, physical, chemistry and goods. — Al-ndr Al-ndrov. Zefirov (Uspensky lane, village Ziminskikh), watered. economy, comm. geogr. and lawyer. — Michael Nichol. Zvestkin (Petrovskaya st., village of Skarska), rice. and pure. — Yves. Vladim. Ivanov (Pushkinskaya, Kaplana village), preparatory teachers. class, they are also about. assistant cool. observers: in Russian. lang. — Andrey Petrov. Stasy (Elinskaya, village Nishpalova) and arithmet. — Grieg. Petrov. Kaminsky (Elinskaya, Vinnikova village).
Cool observers (full-time): Nikol. Nikol. Dobrovolsky, he is a teacher. accounting, comm. correspondent and com. arithm. (Pushkinskaya, village Yarina), Sergey Vasil. Rklitsky, he is a teacher. history and geography (Kharchevaya, village Kolesnikova) and Spanish. obligatory obl-tsy ready. class — Maria Timof. Pashchenko (Mariinsky, No. 26).
Doctor – Pavel Dorofeev. Rodionov, he also teaches. Hygiene (Sadovy per. d. No. 10) and a dentist – Moisei Davidov. Tartakovsky (corner of Doktorsk and Petrovsk, village of Soloveichik).
And about. clerk – Alexey Evstaf. Belonog (Kryukov, Khersonskaya, village of Stefanovicha).
After the October Revolution of 1917, the Alekseevsky Commercial School was transformed into a trade and cooperative technical school. In 1927 he graduated from M.Novokhatko, the future Hero of the Soviet Union, who received this high title for crossing the Dnieper.
Destroyed during the war years, the building of the former Alekseevsky commercial school was restored in the 1950s as housing for railway workers. At the same time, the decoration of the facades changes significantly.
Materials of the book Through the streets of old Kremenchug, A.N. Lushakova, L.I. Evselevsky