The Guardhouse building was located on Cathedral Square, now the tourist hotel “Kremin” is located on the site of the Guardhouse building.
Currently, the guardhouse, or in the Sodatian slang “guba”, is a place of detention for military personnel who have grossly violated the constitution or the law.
And earlier, until 1917, Hauptvacht meant “main watch”. Therefore, beautiful buildings with a considerable territory of yards were erected for the guardhouse. Every day, a “divorce of guards” ceremony took place near the guardhouse. It was a fascinating sight: the military marched, carried out “evolutions” – reshuffles, performed various commands – in the warm season to a brass band, and in the winter to drums.
Young unmarried officers not only kept their uniform well and shone with polished boots, but also had time to “shoot with their eyes”, looking closely at the young ladies, who enthusiastically applauded and shouted “bravo”.
During inclement weather, the guard parade took place in the yard of the guardhouse, part of which was covered with an awning, and those who wanted to watch were also allowed there. The head of the Kremenchug garrison believed that in the presence of spectators, the military marches better and fulfills all the requirements of the charter.
The guardhouse stood exactly where the main entrance to the hotel is now. And it is clear why the guardhouse was built here – because a large barracks was located nearby.
In the 1920s, the Hauptwacht was home to an important facility – the city’s radio station.
During the Second World War, Kremenchuk was practically destroyed, only the bank and the Zemstvo building survived on the square, although they were damaged, and a pile of burnt bricks remained from the guardhouse.
Author: A. Gaishynska