Isaac Kitaygorodsky was born on April 15 (27) 1888 in Kremenchuk (now Poltava region). In 1910 he graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. From 1933 to 1965 he worked as a professor at the Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology.
physicochemical, a specialist in the field of glass technology, founder and first head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Glass and Sieves, Professor of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after DI Mendeleev. Winner of the Lenin Prize (1963) and two Stalin Prizes of the third degree (1941, 1950). Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (1959).
Scientific achievements
Isaac Kitaygorodsky developed technologies for cooking glass, as well as foam glass and high-strength artificial stone. Under his leadership, a new class of fibreglass materials was created, which were called sieves.
He wrote a well-known textbook on the problems of glass manufacturing technology, published in addition Russian, German, Hungarian and Czech.
He died on June 26, 1965. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (plot № 6).
Son – Alexander Kitaygorodsky.
Source: https://uk.wikipedia.org/