View of Kremenchuk from the roof of a cloth factory (stitching of 2 pictures), May 1942. In the foreground of the panorama, you can see the beginning of Kvartalna Street and its intersection with St. Artem (before the revolution and now – Mykolaivska St.). In the background, you can see the belvedere of the City Duma, school No. 4 (it was located on the site of the modern school No. 19), the circus, the pipes of the confectionery factory and the power plant. The cloth factory, from the roof of which the photo was taken, was located at the very beginning of the street. Kvartalnyi near the Dnipro River (now the Jubilee Park is on this site)
Date: May 1942
Location: Kremenchuk, Kvartalna Street, now it is Yuvileyny Park
Source: eBay online auction
Provided by: Serhiy Kardash