Graduation of mechanical technicians in the specialty “Locomotive industry” photo 356 1943 - 1949 Graduation of mechanical technicians in the specialty “Locomotive industry” photo 356
Cinema “Bolshevik” in Kremenchuk photo 354 1943 - 1949 1950-1959 year 1960 - 1969 Cinema “Bolshevik” in Kremenchuk photo 354
The first issue of Medical assistants-obstetricians 1948-1952 photo 352 1943 - 1949 The first issue of Medical assistants-obstetricians 1948-1952 photo 352
Physical education circle of the Kremenchug power plant 1925-1926 photo number 347 1943 - 1949 Physical education circle of the Kremenchug power plant 1925-1926 photo number 347
Meeting of victorious warriors at the Kremenchuk railway station 1945 photo 265 1943 - 1949 Meeting of victorious warriors at the Kremenchuk railway station 1945 photo 265
A steam locomotive that is being tested on the bridge in Kremenchuk photo 262 Restoration of the Kryukovsky Bridge of 1947-1949 A steam locomotive that is being tested on the bridge in Kremenchuk photo 262
Construction of the Kryukovsky bridge photo number 37 Restoration of the Kryukovsky Bridge of 1947-1949 Construction of the Kryukovsky bridge photo number 37