Перекресток в Александрии – фото 1290 Photo history of the vicinity Photos not Kremenchug Перекресток в Александрии – фото 1290
Easter morning morning 1930s photo number 1075 Photo history of the vicinity Easter morning morning 1930s photo number 1075
Views of Psla Comic photo 1930 photo 1048 Photo history of the vicinity Views of Psla Comic photo 1930 photo 1048
The village of Zapsile 1928 photo 1047 Photo history of the vicinity The village of Zapsile 1928 photo 1047
Settlement Gradizhsk, hospital postcard 1008 Photo history of the vicinity Settlement Gradizhsk, hospital postcard 1008
Мисливці в районі Псла осінь 1933 года фото 636 The hunters Мисливці в районі Псла осінь 1933 года фото 636
Hunters in the area of Psla autumn 1933 photo 635 The hunters Hunters in the area of Psla autumn 1933 photo 635
Hunters in the area of Psla autumn 1933 photo №634 The hunters Hunters in the area of Psla autumn 1933 photo №634
German troops on the streets of Alexandria photo 611 Photo history of the vicinity German troops on the streets of Alexandria photo 611
Summer on the river Psyol 1933-1935 photo 479 Photo history of the vicinity Summer on the river Psyol 1933-1935 photo 479
Successful hunting Boris Vladimirovich Konstantinovich photo 453 The hunters Successful hunting Boris Vladimirovich Konstantinovich photo 453
The village of Zapsilye – a bygone history of cooking photo 452 Photo history of the vicinity The village of Zapsilye – a bygone history of cooking photo 452