Notes of the stomach, written by him for the benefit and edification of all who eat, drink and read. St. Petersburg: Publication of F. Pavlenkov; Type. I.H. Salova, 1891. VIII, 9-124, [4] c. 17.4×11.7 cm. Modern deaf amateur cover; block fault on the village 15, road print shop S.D. Galatsia in Kremenchuk for the title. sheets, 1891
The book is written on behalf of the stomach, in which he gets acquainted with oysters and alcohol, with tobacco, pills and homeopaths, love, etc.
“Sliding and turning over, a kind of salty-tasting slimy mass, in which, apparently, the life has not yet died, rolled into my surprised stuffing. Great Gods! I think that this creature did not even have time to manage its affairs! After that, some extremely sour liquid was poured, mixed with particles of very hot black pepper. I turned over this amazing composition this way and that way, and decidedly did not understand what I should do with this formless amazing creature. (…) Since that time, the word “oysters” has been indelibly etched in my memory.”
Date: 1891
Place: Kremenchuk, S. D. Galatskoi bookstore
Source: Online auction portal