Джерело: Книга «Смарагдові шати Кременчука: історія міста у парках і скверах» 2016 рік
In 1928, Sennaya Square was cleared and prepared for the creation of a park on it. In the spring of 1930, the komungosp, with the help of workers from the leather and mechanical factories, planted trees on Sennaya Square. But the flood of 1931 destroyed most of the trees. They returned to planning the square at this place only in 1938. The project was developed by the architect of the Department of Urban Improvement Guralov A. 5,000 trees and bushes of 23 species were planted in the square, flower gardens were arranged, sculptures and fountains were installed.
By the way, the abbreviation MYUD stands for International Youth Day. There was such a holiday from 1915 to 1945 in the USA, Romania, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and a number of other countries. It has been celebrated in Russia since September 1917. Established by the decision of the Berne International Socialist Youth Conference in April on Easter 1915 in order to mobilize youth to fight for peace, against the imperialist war
Date: 1940
Location: Kremenchug, Ukraine, MUD Square, near the railway station
Source: The book “Smaragdov Shati Kremenchuk: the history of the mist in parks and squares” 2016