On September 29, 1943, the troops of the Steppe Front under the command of I. Konev liberated Kremenchug from the Nazis. The red flag flew over the city. It was raised above the liberated Kremenchug by the Ukrainian M. Babusenko, the Russian F. Novikov and the native of Georgia Sh. Gogorishvili.
On this day, Moscow saluted with 12 artillery salvos to the valiant Soviet soldiers who liberated Kremenchug. And in the Oktyabrsky square, at the place where the red flag of Victory was raised, after 6 years a monument to the Liberator Soldier was erected. According to the plan of the sculptors, it was supposed to be a warrior in a helmet, cape, with a machine gun and a flag in his hands. The sculpture should give the impression that after many campaigns a soldier came down to the pedestal and stayed here forever. By order of the Kremenchug City Executive Committee, a reinforced concrete monument 6 meters high was made at the Kharkov Sculpture Plant. On the pedestal under the monument, an inscription was embossed: “Glory to the heroes of the Soviet army who defended the freedom and happiness of our people”, framed by a wreath of oak and laurel leaves and a star in the center.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the city, in 1983, a memorial plaque was erected on the pedestal of the monument with the inscription “On this site, above the former building of the Press House on September 29, 1943, the soldiers of the 2nd battalion of the 19th motorized rifle brigade under the command of Captain Sh.N. Gogorishvili was the first to hoist the Red Banner over the liberated Kremenchug.
In 1989, the monument to the Liberator Soldier acquired its modern look. To raise funds for the renovation of the monument, a special fund was created in the city executive committee. After the restoration, the bronze liberator became stronger and now he is not wearing a cape, but a warm overcoat, a flag and a machine gun he holds over his head.
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И ещё у пушечных снарядов не бывает гильз.
Гильза – часть выстрела. Гильза с зарядом и снаряд – образуют артиллерийский выстрел.
Возле памятника Воину-освободителю, я не видел списков воинов “павших во время обороны и освобождения” г. Кременчуга. Нет там, и списков кременчужан, погибших в годы Великой отечественной войны.
на плите возле памятника, только общее число погибших, и далеко не точное!