In the photo, the bottom row (sitting) from left to right 3rd – Belousov Lev Semenovich (platoon commander of the Kremenchuk militia) director of the “Surry Factory” future “Tannery”
Top row (standing) from left to right 2nd – Secretary of the Komsomol Committee Rakhil Moiseevna Zlobinskaya
Far-left Borovinsky Yuri (Yudka) Rafailovich, worked for several years at the Saddlery Factory, in 1935 3rd Secretary of the Kremenchuk City Party Committee
One of the women in the photo is the wife, or future wife (not exactly defined) of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Kremenchuzhanin, Bluvshtein Alexander Abramovich.
Filming date November 25, 1935
Location: Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Photo provided by Vladimir Belous