After October 1917, all the pre-revolutionary squares of the city of Kremenchuk, with the exception of the Cathedral, were built up. And only one has been created. According to the general plan of 1954, a new square was planned to be formed at the intersection of Lenin and Pushkin streets. In its depths, from the side of Pushkin Street, the construction of a drama theatre was planned, and behind it – to Pervomaiskaya Street – a small square.
The name of the square was supposed to be Theatrical. But the theatre failed. Non-regional Kremenchuk was not supposed to enjoy a theatrical performance. And it was somehow not logical to call the Theater Square without a theatre. So it existed without a name until 1967. Just then the anniversary arrived – the 50th anniversary of Soviet power – and they called it Revolution Square.
A year earlier, construction was completed on the corner of the square of a new building for the city executive committee of the Kremenchuk Council of People’s Deputies and the city committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
The new House of Soviets, facing the square with its front facade, both in its significance and in size, occupied a dominant position on it, without becoming at the same time the centre of the ensemble. On the contrary, he introduced disharmony into the emerging development of the square, which could not be corrected in the future.
In September 1971, the city celebrated its 400th birthday for the first time.
In memory of this event, Stella is installed on Revolution Square. Four 18-meter stainless steel pylons symbolize four centuries – the age of the city. at a height of 4.2 meters from the ground, the pylons are grasped by a wide steel belt, on which the old and new coats of arms of Kremenchuk are depicted. The authors of the memorial sign are local artists L. Sidorenko and A. Kotlyar.
In 1992, in honour of the adoption of the Act of Political Independence of Ukraine, Revolution Square became known as Independence Square. On holidays, the square is crowded and fun. On New Year’s Eve, the main city Christmas tree is installed on the square, sparkling with festive lights.
Author: A.N. Lushakova
The book “Streets of old Kremenchuk”