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Kryukov quartermaster warehouses (Video)

Крюківські інтендантські склади (Вiдео)

Kryukov quartermaster warehouses in Kremenchug – a monument of architecture. During the Russian-Turkish war of the late 18th century, the rear base of the tsarist forces was formed in Kryukov. At the beginning of the 19th century, a palace was erected in Kryukov with a garden in the courtyard. Quarter-end warehouses were located at this place. Here are built premises for storing uniforms, horse ammunition, weapons. The first buildings were registered in 1813. Over time, the main commissariat is housed in Kryukov. The commissary warehouses occupied a whole block of land with temporary corners in the guardrooms. The palace remained forever the central building and decoration of warehouses.
In the Soviet years, the ancient premises continued to serve as military warehouses. With the collapse of the USSR, the warehouses from Kremenchug moved to other regions of Ukraine. In the middle of the 19th century, the painter Yevgraf Krendovsky painted the square of a provincial town. Kremenchuk Krendovsky depicted exactly the square with the building of the commissary warehouses in Kryukov. The picture became famous and is now stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.
Kremenchug Public TV

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