Demonstration in Kryukov (bridge area) on May 1, 1961 photo 114 1960 - 1969 Demonstration in Kryukov (bridge area) on May 1, 1961 photo 114
Demonstration in Kryukov on May 1, 1961 photo 113 1960 - 1969 Demonstration in Kryukov on May 1, 1961 photo 113
House of Commerce in Kremenchug 1961 photo number 112 1960 - 1969 House of Commerce in Kremenchug 1961 photo number 112
City center in Kremenchug April 1961 photo number 111 1960 - 1969 City center in Kremenchug April 1961 photo number 111
Cinema “Bolshevik” Kremenchug – photo № 471 1960 - 1969 Soviet times Cinema “Bolshevik” Kremenchug – photo № 471