Management Z.G.Askinazi, Melnik K.A.Shcherbina, mechanic S.Z.Vishnevetsky. M. reinforced concrete machine. built by A. Erlanger in 1903. Steam engines of the Brunsk Machine-Building Plant 1100 forces. 2 boilers Fitsn. and Gump. 1) lankash. 120 sq. meter. 2) water pipe. 300 sq. meter. surface load 22 rollers Art. head Buller, 24 beds. seeding A. Erlanger, 6 cereals. syst. “Record”, 9 filters, 9 resp. wallpaper. Heating – coal and sawdust. Lighting – electr. 2 dynamos Germansk. electr. Society. Workers – 15 people. The mill grinds wheat and rye. Grain local and neighboring provinces. Delivered by tug, by rail. and along the Dnieper. Avg. day size 900-1000 pounds. Flour grade – 12, rye – 4. Sales on the spot, to the North, to the North-West. cr. along the Dnieper and in Ts.Polsky
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