Site icon Outskirts of Kremenchug

Large flour mills steam in Kremenchuk 1892

Merchants: Moisei Mikhailov Bely and Abram Kernes (Stupid-Pisch. and Maryinsky streets), Wives later. honor. civil Neonily Alexandrovna Chernish (Bol. Nikolaevskaya st.), Kuptsov: Abram Moiseev Slavinzon (Kharchevaya st.), Meer Yankel Stavitsky (Petropavlovskaya st., private house), Isaak Gershkovich Nemets (Ekaterin. st.), His own (Veselaya st. ., sob. d.), College. Assessor Solomon Isaakovich Rosen (in Kryukov, own house).

Commemorative book and Address-calendar of the Poltava province for 1892 (access

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